A downloadable game for Linux

With the o­cean run­ning out of sar­dines, Tux has to tra­vel and search the od­dest pla­ces to find e­nough fish to feed his fa­mi­ly. Some­how there's plen­ty fresh fish scat­tered ev­ery­where on land, which ap­pears to form some­thing of a trail. But where does this trail lead? Might the emp­ty o­ceans have some­thing to do with the evil pro­fit-dri­ven Se­ta­gllib, his fish farms and the re­search that goes on there in­to lab-­grown fish? There's on­ly one way to find out: By do­ing what has to be done.

Check out the guide for a complete list of instructions.


As with all LucKey productions, the source code of Tux! is available through GitLab.

Please consider donating to support the development of Tux! and other projects


Tux! for Linux 64-bit 32 MB
Version 51 57 days ago

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Wow, a game made only for linux. Lmao this is a contrast to normal devs on itch who only make builds for windows.

Plenty of cheese in the trap as it is.


Nice work! Can't wait for more future updates :)


nice  , where getting a whole tux opensource game franchise and i am all here for it

If you'd like to, Edddy can be used to create more maps.


cool :D

And feel free to come aboard the Colourship. It currently has a forum and chat aspect where you can ask for support and share results, or just socialize.