A downloadable game for Linux

Two fish, a pact with Sa'Tong and a quest for food, en­light­en­ment and trust.
Tired of the trash rai­ning from a­bove - with food grow­ing scarce - Blip and Blup nar­row­ly es­cape be­ing crushed by a con­tai­ner full of shoes that de­stroys their home. They de­cide to put on a pair and take the plunge to the sur­face. But they are not a­lone.
Catch bugs and feed the poor crea­tures to the coercing eel (be­fore he gets too hun­gry) as you ven­ture fur­ther from the sea, to where no fish has gone be­fore.


As with all LucKey productions, the source code of Blip 'n Blup is available through GitLab.

Please consider donating to support the development of Blip 'n Blup and other projects


Blip 'n Blup for Linux 64-bit 48 MB
Version 5 87 days ago

Development log

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